2.16: Some batters must never flip their bats when they hit a home run nor take leisurely trots around the basepath. This is considered showing up a pitcher and is very bad form. Some batters, however, may flip their bats when they hit a home run and circle the bases so slowly that Miss Jane Pittman would lap them. This is considered "style" and is quite acceptable.
2.16:有些打者當他擊出全壘打時永遠不能甩棒或悠閒似的繞壘包,這會被視為向投手炫耀這是非常不好的。然而有些打者擊出全壘打時可以甩棒並且如同Miss Jane Pittman都可以超過他的速度來慢速繞壘,這會被認為是相當有型的而且可以被接受。
2.17: If a player doesn't know which group he belongs in, the opposing pitcher will let him know.
2.68: Do not date the editor of "Out" magazine.
2.68 (b): In a profession where you wear a tight uniform, regularly shower with 24 other men and slap teammates on the butt several times a day, it is verboten to suggest that anyone in the "clubhouse" might be gay.
3.5: If an opponent hits a home run, you are obliged to hit anotherbatter with a pitch, though you must not throw this pitch in the vicinity of the head. After the game, you must maintain to reporters that you were simply trying to establish the inside part of the plate.
3.51: The reporters must quote you as if it's really true.
3.51 (b): When an opponent hits a teammate with a pitch, you are obliged to retaliate by hitting an opponent with a pitch. After the game, you must maintain to reporters that your opponent was throwing at your team but that you were simply trying to establish the inside part of the plate.
3.51 (b):如果對手對你的隊友投觸身球,接下來你向對手投觸身球你的隊友會感激你。賽後,你一定要對記者堅持你的對手是正對你的隊友丟過去。 而你只是嘗試投內角球壓迫打者。
3.51 (c): The reporters must quote you as if it's really true.
3.51 (c):記者引用你的話,就像是真的一樣。
5.53: When a pitcher has a no-hitter going, you must avoid the words "no-hitter" as scrupulously as a sportswriter would say, "Let me get the check." Between innings you also are to leave the pitcher sitting by himself as if he were carrying the Ebola virus.
5.72 (d): Don't play cards in the clubhouse during the game unless nobody can see you.
6.9: Coaches sit in the front of the plane. Players sit in the back. Flight attendants sit on the Tigers' laps.
7.14: Do not sign autographs before batting practice.
7.14 (b): Do not sign autographs during batting practice.
7.14 (c): Do not sign autographs after batting practice.
7.14 (d): Unless she has other assets.
7.8: When leaving a first-place team to sign a $252 million contract with a last-place team, you must say, "It isn't about the money."
81: Try to say it with a straight face.
請不動聲色的說 XD
PTT Fallanakin